Blogs > Boat Blog > A watershed moment — patrol explores Mohawk/Erie Canal

A watershed moment — patrol explores Mohawk/Erie Canal


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After almost a month and a half on patrol, May 20 was a big day for Riverkeeper — our first patrol into the Mohawk River/Erie Canal.

We’re in communication with a nice group of Mohawk supporters and we believe there is an opportunity to partner with them and support their efforts on behalf of the Mohawk, the Hudson’s largest tributary.

I was only able to run in to Lock 7 because west of that the Canal was closed due to flooding and debris after heavy rain several days ago. The Mohawk is logistically difficult because of the many locks and periodic closures of the Canal. We’ll try again in June. Later this year we’ll assess whether or not we can sustain this expansion. Side bonus, locking up let a whole lot of River Herring up to their spawning grounds. HA!

Entering the first of five locks in the Waterford Flight.


Lock 3


Meeting the Mohawk above the Flight


Lock 7 – the Canal is closed beyond this point today.
