Blogs > Boat Blog > Amtrak proposes fences & gates, restricting Hudson River access; comments accepted through May 1

Amtrak proposes fences & gates, restricting Hudson River access; comments accepted through May 1

New York State will accept comments through May 1 on a plan by Amtrak to install fences and gates along the railroad right-of-way in Dutchess and Columbia counties – restricting access to the Hudson River.

Riverkeeper and Scenic Hudson share the concerns being raised in the communities affected – Rhinecliff, Tivoli, Germantown, Stockport and Stuyvesant. In a letter to the New York Department of State on March 19, we requested an extension of the initial 15-day comment period and March 29 deadline. We also requested information meetings in each of the communities affected, with an opportunity for the public to comment. Click here to read the letter.

An excerpt:

“Scenic Hudson and Riverkeeper also strongly believe in the public’s right to participate in decision-making processes that affect community and individual quality of life — in this case decisions that would reduce public access to the Hudson River and negatively impact viewsheds. Not only is public participation in many instances required, it’s simply a good idea because a collaborative planning process can result in practical solutions that can resolve conflicts in ways that benefit all parties. …

“Public information provided by Amtrak to date is completely inadequate making meaningful public comment impossible. Additionally, we believe that the proposed gate and or fence installations, while part of one application, have very different ramifications at each location, and as such require separate public meetings.”

We are glad to report that the comment period has been extended. Stay tuned for additional information and specifics about the proposed fences and gates.

Comments should be made in writing and addressed to the New York State Department of State, Office of Planning, Development & Community Infrastructure, One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12231. Telephone (518) 474-6000; Fax (518) 473-2464. Email: [email protected].


Community Blog on Amtrack’s Proposed Gates and Fences: Gates Gate

Press coverage:

Green Radio Hour with Jon Bowermaster: Interview with Jeff Anvenzino, Billy Shannon and Jen Benson (Radio Kingston)

NY state extends comment period about proposed fences and gates along railroad tracks on east side of Hudson River (Daily Freeman)

Amtrak plan to limit Hudson River access along eastern shore draws objections (Daily Freeman)

Town supers call to suspend Amtrak fencing public comment period (Hudson Valley 360)