Blogs > Boat Blog > Hudson River patrol: Osprey couple returns

Hudson River patrol: Osprey couple returns


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We were out Saturday for a patrol of the Tappan Zee area and Sparkill Creek – including water sampling with our community partners on the Sparkill and Pocantico.

As always, we had a look at the resident Osprey couple which nests on this light every year. They usually arrive in early to mid- April. When there are eggs or young in the nest one adult always stays put to protect the nest while the other does the hunting. They are awesome birds. So wild and free.

We were lucky to be there just at the right moment.


“Honey, I’m home…”
“Oh good, what did you bring?”
“Oh yum, that’s exactly what I’m craving.”

That’s what they said. I heard them. I swear.

