Blogs > Boat Blog > Pace environmental law students take ‘legal muscle’ on patrol: fall semester, 2013

Pace environmental law students take ‘legal muscle’ on patrol: fall semester, 2013

Pace students fall, 2013 (2)

Student members of Pace University’s Environmental Litigation Clinic pose for a photo aboard Riverkeeper’s patrol boat “R. Ian Fletcher” one recent afternoon.
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Students with Pace University’s Environmental Litigation Clinic are helping Riverkeeper with several ongoing cases aimed at protecting the Hudson River, its tributaries and Hudson River ecology.

Members of the team joined the crew of Riverkeeper’s patrol boat “R. Ian Fletcher” one recent afternoon for an outing to view areas along the river that are or have been the subject of legal action. Through the application of environmental law, the students lend a powerful voice to the river – one that speaks out about the mistakes of the past, and our duty to never again

Student members of Pace University’s Environmental Litigation Clinic pose for a photo aboard Riverkeeper’s patrol boat “R. Ian Fletcher” one recent afternoon.

repeat them.

The students are currently working with Riverkeeper on myriad cases related to closing Indian Point, preventing United Water from its controversial bid to construct a desalination plant in Rockland County, as well as preventing NYS from relaxing important pollution regulations governing CAFOs (concentrated animal feed operations), protecting the Lower Esopus from huge releases of turbid reservoir water, and holding the Thruway Authority accountable to state and federal permits regulating construction of the new Tappan Zee Bridge, to name a few.

Riverkeeper tips its hat to these bright young legal minds, who continue to lend their “legal muscle” to Riverkeeper in the never-ending fight to advocate for the Hudson River.