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Collaborating on Hudson River Pollution Enforcement

Much of our work on the Riverkeeper boat involves enforcement on behalf of the Hudson River and its tributaries.  While we do not have legal jurisdiction over polluters (i.e. making arrests) we are lucky enough to have extensive relationships with agencies that do.  Because we’re constantly out on the water, in and out of the back canals of Brooklyn, and covering all 164 miles of the Hudson River, these government agencies often depend on us to give them cases.  And we depend on them to bust polluters!

We just brought several members of the Department of Justice’s US Attorneys office for the Southern District of New York as well as members of the EPA’s Region 2 Criminal Enforcement Unit for a tour of Newtown Creek and the East River.  Our focus was discussing cases throughout the Hudson Valley that we can collaborate on in the future.  We’re looking forward to working together in the future to bring polluters to justice!
Riverkeeper attorney and chief investigator, Josh Verleun, discussing Riverkeeper’s involvement in enforcement on Newtown Creek

The group after the outing, a powerful bunch of passengers!