Blogs > Boat Blog > Take Action: Request meetings on Hudson River anchorage grounds

Take Action: Request meetings on Hudson River anchorage grounds


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Please TAKE ACTION BY 5 PM TODAY (June 30): Add your voice and request public meetings on the Coast Guard’s plan to add anchorage grounds for commercial vessels along the Hudson River Estuary.

The public should have the chance to fully understand the rationale behind the Proposed Rules and clearly communicate their concerns. Please take a moment to click this link now and send your message requesting public meetings.

Let the Coast Guard know what your concerns are – whether they involve noise, light pollution, additional commerce along the Hudson, or risks to the river’s health.

One of Riverkeeper’s significant concerns is that increased anchoring of large vessels with heavy ground tackle would cause environmental damage to river bottom habitat.

Click below to see our letter, sent today by the Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic on behalf of Riverkeeper.

Riverkeeper Request for Public Meetings Regarding Hudson Anchorage Grounds

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