Blogs > Boat Blog > “Thousands and thousands” of Menhaden seen feeding at the mouth of Newtown Creek on 11/6/2014

“Thousands and thousands” of Menhaden seen feeding at the mouth of Newtown Creek on 11/6/2014

A resident on Thursday reported a huge number of fish swimming upstream from the East River to Newtown Creek and continuing upstream toward the Pulaski Bridge.

He’s never seen this occurrence and was concerned that there may be something detrimental to the fish.

“The fish didn’t seem frenzied like they were escaping a predator and there were thousands and thousands of them. Hope this helps. Please let me know what you think they are or what they might be doing.”

Watch this short video sent by Newtown Creek Watchdog Josh Dorn on Thursday, November 06, 2014 at 2:45 p.m.You have to look carefully as the dark backs of the fish blend with the grey color of the Creek.

Riverkeeper contacted John Waldman from CUNY Queens, migratory fish expert.

“It’s a school of menhaden filter feeding.” I asked if he had seen or heard of them on Newtown Creek before…..
“No, but menhaden are all over lately, no reason why they shouldn’t be there. I saw vast schools from the Throgs Neck Bridge last week, maybe they moved down the East River.”

Riverkeeper has patrolled Newtown Creek since 2002.I’ve never seen this before. It’s so wonderful to see life returning.

Click here for more info about Menhaden and “filter feeding” from NOAA.