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World Water Day: Local Talks

Happy World Water Day to all our online friends!

Today we reflect on the many challenges that people around the globe face in gaining access to, and protecting, their local waterways and drinking water supplies. People say that “water is the oil of the 21st Century” because it’s becoming increasingly scarce and therefore valuable. But that grossly understates the case, as we cannot survive without water but we can survive without oil (despite behavior to the contrary, but that’s another conversation).

On the local front, we are preparing for our first two water quality presentations of the 2011 season. This winter we’ve been reviewing our data from the past 5 seasons of sampling and have some findings to share that show trends, hot spots, pristine spots, and more. We’ll be coming out with a report on all the findings, but in the meantime, these speaking events provide a sneak preview of what we have learned to date.

Your first chance to be ‘in the know on H20’ is this coming Sunday at the campus of Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Piermont. Our brilliant science partners, Andy Juhl, Ph.D., and Gregory O’Mullan, Ph.D., will be presenting “Hudson River: A Swimmable Future?” from 3pm – 4pm.

Then on Monday the 28th, 7pm – 8pm, I’ll be presenting “How’s the Water?” at the Warner Library in Tarrytown.

If you come to one of the events please come up and say hi afterwards and let us know that you saw the posting on this blog.

In the meantime, enjoy the water – and protect it!