Blogs > Boat Blog > Yonkers raw sewage discharge 8/28/12 – sampling results and public notification

Yonkers raw sewage discharge 8/28/12 – sampling results and public notification

A SPDES outfall immediately south of the Yonkers Paddling & Rowing Club is discharging raw sewage 24/7. It was brought to Riverkeeper’s attention in July by members of the public.

Riverkeeper sampled for Enterococcus on Thursday 7/26/12 at 1015 and again on Tuesday 8/28/12 at 1305.

See reports and sample results below. Most recent at top.

View of the Yonkers Rowing Club and outfall. The outfall is under the bulkhead on the right side of the photo directly below the green SPDES sign.

On 8/28 there was sewage smell and the discharge was considerably harder from the outfall than at first visit on 7/26. Sampled directly from discharge at 1305.

Federal guideline for primary contact in fresh water: Enterococcus not to exceed 61 per 100ml.

Processed sample using 3 dilution levels to increase measurable range:
#1 (no dilution) result: >2420 Entero/100ml
#2 (1/10 dilution) result: >24,196 Entero/100ml
#3 (1/20 dilution) result: >48,392 Entero/100ml

IDEXX trays, #1 through #3, left to right.

On 7/26 we visited Rowing Club with Bob Walters, clear sewage smell in the air. Sampled discharge directly from pipe at low tide just south of the Rowing Club property under the public pier where it entered a shallow trench leading into the river. Discharge volume was relatively low.

Federal guideline for primary contact in fresh water: Enterococcus not to exceed 61 per 100ml.

Sampled at 1015. Processed on sample only.

#1 (no dilution) result: >2420 Entero/100ml