Blogs > Docket > A victory – and a challenge – on limiting single-use bags

A victory – and a challenge – on limiting single-use bags

Bag ban on the brink!

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plasticbagOn May 5th, 2016, New York City Council passed Intro 209a, “A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to reducing the use of carryout bags” by a vote of 28 to 20. This law adds a 5 cent surcharge to single use plastic and paper bags sold within NYC beginning October 1, 2016. Similar laws have gone into effect around the county, significantly reducing the number of single use plastic bags clogging storm drains, littering waterways and filling landfills.

In response to this bill, the New York State Legislature is considering legislation that could preempt local government’s authority to charge for single use bags. Riverkeeper and our sister organization, NY/NJ Baykeeper strongly oppose this legislation known as S.7335 (Felder) in the NYS Senate and A.9904 (Cusick) in the Assembly. We encourage you to use our memorandum of opposition below to call your State Senator and Assembly Member, urging them to reject this legislation.

Riverkeeper_Baykeeper Memo of Opposition to S7335_A9904 by Riverkeeper