Blogs > Docket > Feed Your River: How Riverkeeper and Down to Earth Markets are Teaming up to Support Local Food and Clean Water

Feed Your River: How Riverkeeper and Down to Earth Markets are Teaming up to Support Local Food and Clean Water

Farmers Market

Photo: Jeremy Cherson
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Photo: Down to Earth Markets

Photo: Down to Earth Markets

Riverkeeper and Down to Earth Markets are teaming up this summer and fall to present the Feed Your River Series, a partnership between neighbors to promote local food and the importance of clean water. Did you know that over 100,000 New Yorkers get their drinking water directly from the Hudson River? Another 8 million New Yorkers depend on the good health of the Catskills for their drinking water supply.

Come visit us at the following markets (click for location and vendor details) :

View our Series Flyer

View our Series Flyer

8/9 Ossining Farmers Market (8:30am-1pm)
8/16 Tarrytown Farmers Market (8:30am-1pm)
8/31 Piermont Farmers Market (9:30am-3pm)
9/7 McGolrick Park Farmers Market (11am-4pm)
9/7 Park Slope Farmers Market (10am-5pm)
10/11 Morningside Park Farmers Market (9am-5pm)

The connection between clean water and healthful food is readily apparent for our friends at Down to Earth Markets. Their farmers markets bring the finest produce of the Hudson Valley and beyond to the people of the metro area. Farmers in the Catskills and Hudson Valley rely on clean, plentiful water to provide us with nutritious food. Supporting farmers at a Down to Earth Market helps upstate farms within the NYC watershed stay in business and thrive. Ultimately, stewardship of farmland is an important component of maintaining water quality on the Hudson and its tributaries.

Riverkeeper will be featured at select Down to Earth Markets throughout the estuary to engage communities about the importance of protecting the Hudson River and our drinking supply. Stop by to learn about our ongoing campaigns to stop dangerous oil shipments down the Hudson, prevent the raid of clean water funds to finance the Tappan Zee Bridge, and keep fracking waste off New York roads. Everyone can make an impact. Find out how by visiting Riverkeeper at Down to Earth Farmers Markets.

Photo: Sara Moriarty

Photo: Sara Moriarty

Riverkeeper relies on extraordinary heroes like you to raise the red flag and educate the public on threats to our river. We need you to join our volunteer team to help the Feed Your River Series thrive and grow. Click here to join our outreach and education volunteer team.