Blogs > Docket > Riverkeeper Receives Four-Star Charity Rating

Riverkeeper Receives Four-Star Charity Rating

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All of us at Riverkeeper are proud to share that we’ve been rated by Charity Navigator as a 4-star charity, for the first time since the economic recession.

We earned this distinction by keeping administrative and fundraising costs low relative to program spending, and earning top scores for donor accountability and transparency.

We’re proud of this recognition that we use contributions effectively and operate in an open and accountable fashion. We hope that this rating, coupled with Riverkeeper’s continued powerful advocacy for clean water and our tangible impacts in your communities, reinforces for our supporters that Riverkeeper is an effective investment.

Thank you for making our work possible. With your support, we’ll continue to make great strides in protecting our water resources, with the same efficiency and transparency for which we’ve earned a 4-star rating.