Blogs > Docket > Riverkeeper Sweep Supports: Think Beyond Plastic™ Innovation Competition

Riverkeeper Sweep Supports: Think Beyond Plastic™ Innovation Competition

Riverkeeper Sweep 3-3The Riverkeeper Sweep is proud to support this innovative competition to identify ideas and business models to remove or keep plastics out of our water! Awards range from $25,000-$500 with a mix of cash and funds for incubator services.

Competition Details:

The 2014-2015 Think Beyond Plastic innovation competition is accepting applications through February 28, 2015.

Apply here

They are looking for disruptive innovation in recycling, materials, manufacturing and design that mitigates the impacts on plastic pollution. All ideas must lead to solutions at scale.

Qualified participants must have a well-articulated idea or operating business that may be seed or early-stage. Businesses must have a viable business proposition, as well as sustainable business practices.

Categories include: most promising marine plastics idea, most innovative marine plastics business model, most innovative business and most innovative emerging business.

About the Riverkeeper Sweep

Save the date for the 2015 Riverkeeper Sweep, our fourth annual day of service for the Hudson River.

If you are looking for a way make an impact in your community, please mark your calendars for Saturday, May 9, the day of the biggest volunteer event for the Hudson River and its tributaries, the 4th Annual Riverkeeper Sweep. We are counting on YOU to make it the best Sweep yet!

It is because of the leadership of over 120 Sweep Leaders and the dedication of nearly 2,000 volunteers and hundreds of community partners that the 2014 Sweep was such a big success. Together we removed 31 tons of trash and recycling in 82 shoreline locations. More volunteers participated than in 2013, but less trash was removed overall –meaning that sites we’ve cleaned up in the past are not being abused as they once were. With your help we will continue to reclaim the Hudson River from the hands of polluters.

If you want to build a team and organize your own service project in your community, please contact Dana Gulley at [email protected].