Blogs > Docket > Riverkeeper Volunteer Appreciation Happy Hours: NYC to Albany

Riverkeeper Volunteer Appreciation Happy Hours: NYC to Albany

Little Town NYC

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beerpartnersWe hope you’ll come help Riverkeeper raise a glass in celebration of the 10,000+ hours of dedicated support that you and over 2,000 volunteers like you have provided to Riverkeeper and the Hudson River in 2014.

Here are five reasons why you should join us at an upcoming volunteer appreciation happy hour:

1. You support Riverkeeper, please give us a chance to say thank you.

2. We can’t pay for your beer, but the appetizers are on us!

3. Meet other dedicated clean water advocates from your stretch of the river.

4. Learn more about what you helped us accomplish in 2014 and get the download on our goals for 2015, including in-person volunteer trainings happening throughout New York City and the Hudson Valley this winter.

5. Haven’t had the opportunity to volunteer with us yet? Want to increase your involvement? Have a friend who wants to get involved? All are good reasons to come out, bring your friends, and get to know us.

We are hosting events in Albany, Peekskill, Newburgh, Kingston and Manhattan. Please RSVP for the event in your region. We highly encourage all past and present Ambassadors, outreach volunteers, Sweep Leaders, Sweep volunteers, and volunteer-curious to attend.

Albany pump stationAlbany Pump Station (map)
Monday, November 10, 6:00-8:30pm
*first beer on the house*

peekskill-brewery-195x100Peekskill Brewery (map)
Tuesday, November 11, 6:00-8:30pm

newburgh-brewing-195x100Newburgh Brewing Company (map)
Wednesday, November 12, 5:30-8:30pm
*trivia begins at 7:30pm*

Keegan AlesKeegan Ales, Kingston (map)
Friday, November 14, 6:00-8:30pm
*live music*

Little Town NYCLittle Town NYC, New York City (map)
Wednesday, November 19, 6:00-8:30pm

facebook logoJoin our volunteer facebook page and stay up to date on the latest volunteer opportunities. Invite your friends to join!