Blogs > Docket > What’ll it be? 5 choices: Vote on a name for Riverkeeper’s beer via social media with #hudsonbeer

What’ll it be? 5 choices: Vote on a name for Riverkeeper’s beer via social media with #hudsonbeer


Time to vote on the best name for our very own, first-ever, official Riverkeeper beer – a collaboration by Peekskill Brewery and Captain Lawrence Brewing Co. to benefit our mission.

Thanks to you, we had over 200 online entries to consider, and our Beer Name Working Group has narrowed the field to five finalists.

Please vote for one of these on social media using hashtag #hudsonbeer, and we’ll see which name prevails:

• Clean River IPA
• Estuary IPA
• Lucky Sturgeon IPA
• Save the Hudson IPA
• Watchdog IPA

beercaptain_crDanShapleyYes, we’ve passed up some creative names like “Marcellus Ale,” “PCBeer,” “Beer of the Clouds” and “What the Hudson Used to Look Like,” in an effort to capture Riverkeeper’s overall vision of a healthy Hudson River and New York City water supply.

This will be a fresh, hoppy and assertive beer, according to the brewers, and that suits us just fine. Best of all – and no matter the name – it will highlight the key ingredient to beer, and pretty much everything else: clean water.

Vote via Facebook, Google+, Twitter or Instagram with #hudsonbeer. Then join us to try the results at two tastings, Sept. 24 at Peekskill Brewery and Sept. 26 at Captain Lawrence Brewing Co., and at Hudson Hop & Harvest Festival at the Peekskill Waterfront Oct. 4.