Blogs > Don't Frack with New York > Join Us in Albany May 12th for a Fracking Lobby Day and Urge State Legislators to Take Action

Join Us in Albany May 12th for a Fracking Lobby Day and Urge State Legislators to Take Action


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We need your help! Join us on May 12th in Albany to talk to state legislators about fracking, the improper handling of its waste, and the need for an official moratorium and comprehensive health impact assessment.

During this lobby day dedicated exclusively to fracking, Riverkeeper and partner organizations will be advocating for measures including a fracking moratorium and bans on the use of oil and natural gas waste for road-spreading and the disposal of this waste at New York landfills and wastewater treatment facilities.

After breakfast and an issues briefing, you will join a group of fellow advocates for visits with several legislators and staff to discuss key fracking bills now before the state legislature.

Register today. Please see [email protected] for questions about coordinating travel.

9:00am – 9:30am: Registration and Check-In – Hearing Room A
Coffee and Bagels in LOB 211
9:30am – 10:30am: Issue Briefing
11:00am – 3:00pm: Lobby Visits
3:00pm: Drop off report forms/check-out – Hearing Room A

Advocates for Morris * Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy * Center for Environmental Health * Citizens Campaign for the Environment * Environmental Advocates of New York * Otsego 2000 * Riverkeeper * Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter * Shaleshock CNY