Blogs > Don't Frack with New York > Crunch Time on Fracking: Make Your Voice Heard!

Crunch Time on Fracking: Make Your Voice Heard!


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Riverkeeper has been a leader in the effort to prevent New York from fracking with our water – and we need your help to win the fight. It’s a critical moment in our campaign, as public pressure mounts on the Governor and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to rethink their flawed plans for gas drilling in the state. Here are four ways you can make a difference in this fight:

Comment on DEC fracking proposals by Jan. 11

The state has drafted a deeply flawed environmental impact study and regulations for fracking in New York, and state officials need to hear from the public—now! Review our 10 Major Flaws with New York’s Fracking Plan, and then see our commenting guide to do your part. The comment deadline is Wednesday, Jan. 11 and comments being sent in the mail must be postmarked by this date.

Host a fracking comment party

Magnify your impact by gathering your friends and colleagues for a fracking comment party. Share information from our fact sheet or public presentation on fracking. Just make sure all comments reach the DEC by Jan. 11.

Join the Fracking Day of Action

Riverkeeper and its partners are organizing a Fracking Day of Action to lobby New York lawmakers at the state capital in Albany. Register, and plan to join us on Monday, Jan. 23.

Donate to Riverkeeper

Contribute to Riverkeeper’s Watershed Program to support our legal team as they respond in detail to the DEC’s voluminous fracking proposals. We pledge to keep fighting until we are confident that both our water quality and our quality of life are protected.