Blogs > Don't Frack with New York > Fracking End Game: New York Could Make a Decision in February

Fracking End Game: New York Could Make a Decision in February

The efforts of hundreds of thousands of activists have held off fracking in New York until now, but that could change this month. Governor Cuomo faces two critical deadlines that will decide the fate of fracking in New York State. The Governor has until Feb. 27 to either finalize the revised draft fracking regulations or allow them to expire. To finalize the regulations by then, the State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) would need to publicly notice the final version of its fracking environmental impact study by Feb. 13.

As Riverkeeper and many other advocates have repeatedly pointed out, DEC’s regulations and the environmental impact statement are fundamentally flawed, incomplete, and lack basis in science or facts. Moving forward with fracking without adequate understanding of the likely impacts or protective regulations in place will put the health and environment of New Yorkers in jeopardy. We need your help to influence the Governor’s decision. Please call Governor Cuomo’s office right now at (518) 474-8390 and tell him to step back from the brink: let the regulations expire and allow an opportunity for this critical decision to be informed by science and facts, not politics.

And join Riverkeeper for these two upcoming events:

1. Monday, Feb. 4 at 9 a.m. in Albany: DEC Commissioner Joe Martens will testify at the NYS Assembly Environmental Committee hearing on the proposed environmental budget for 2012. Afterward, there will be a rally on the Million Dollar Staircase to deliver containers of pristine New York water to the Governor.

Where: The hearing is in the Legislative Office Building – Hearing Room B, Albany, NY (9am). The Rally will be in the Million Dollar Staircase in the Capitol Building, Albany, NY (12pm).

RSVP and Share the Facebook Event HERE

Sign up for the bus from Syracuse HERE
Sign up for the bus from Ithaca HERE
Sign up for the bus from New Paltz HERE
Sign up for the bus from New York City HERE

2. Friday, Feb. 8 at noon in Manhattan: Join us to rally outside of Governor Cuomo’s Manhattan office, and let Governor Cuomo know that New Yorkers will not support any decision on fracking that is not based on the science and facts.

Where: 633 Third Avenue (between East 40th & 41st Streets).

Riverkeeper will keep you informed about additional events and actions you can take over the next several weeks.

Thank you for taking action at this critical time.