Blogs > Don't Frack with New York > Manhattan, Fracked

Manhattan, Fracked


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Imagine walking down the streets of Manhattan and bumping up against a well pad every 20 blocks.

Earthjustice recently published this map to help Manhattanites understand the implications of fracking upstate.

Earthjustice explained: “If fracking goes forward in New York State, some areas will see very intensive drilling. The attached map shows the estimated well pad density for Tioga, Chemung, and Broome Counties in upstate New York – based on DEC’s own assumptions – as overlaid on a map of Manhattan. This 320-acre spacing is necessary to accommodate the assumed number of wells under DEC’s ‘average’ development scenario, with six wells on every pad. We initially thought that DEC’s projection was a mistake but were told that it was accurate, because it presupposes drilling in multiple layers of shale – not just the Marcellus. In fact, DEC admitted that the density could be greater.”

Each well pad comes complete with around-the-clock noise from heavy machinery, thousands of trucks, and millions of gallons of toxic water injected underground. Our pristine upstate counties will become an industrial wasteland. Please tell the DEC by January 11 what you think of their fracking proposal!

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