Blogs > Don't Frack with New York > Mark Ruffalo and Friends Love Their NY Water. Don’t Frack With It!

Mark Ruffalo and Friends Love Their NY Water. Don’t Frack With It!

Riverkeeper and Clean Water NOT Dirty Drilling, a coalition of environmental organizations working together to protect New York water, have launched a video ad campaign to raise awareness of the danger hydraulic fracturing poses to New York State’s water supply.

A blog post in The Huffington Post written by Mark Ruffalo kicked off the ‘I Love My New York Water’ campaign, which features Ruffalo and a group of New York-based actors, Ethan Hawke, Zoe Saldana, Amy Ryan, Josh Charles, and Nadia Dajani.

The video follows each one as they engage in everyday routines that require water such as brushing your teeth, taking a bath, and walking the dog. All activities that most people take for granted and wouldn’t be possible without safe, clean water.

Gas drillers are eager to exploit the Marcellus Shale region of New York where natural gas is trapped thousands of feet under the ground. The effects of this risky practice on New York’s world-class drinking water though could be long-term and far-reaching. States across the country are already dealing with the dire consequences of unchecked hydraulic fracturing. There have been explosions, drinking water contamination, and the dumping of wastewater into rivers. In Pennsylvania alone, the gas industry has been cited for close to 1,500 safety violations since 2008.

New York State has the largest unfiltered reservoir in the country, which provides water to over 15 million residents across the state and all of New York City.

“New Yorkers don’t want to have to worry if their water is poisonous when they turn on their taps,” said Kate Sinding, Deputy Director of the New York Urban Program at the Natural Resources Defense Council. “Governor Cuomo has a chance to get it right here. New York can show the rest of the nation how to keep their water and their residents safe from fracking gone wrong.”

That’s why the coalition has launched these videos to bring the attention of the country, the state, and its lawmakers to ensure that New York does not become another negative statistic of unregulated fracking.

‘Clean Water NOT Dirty Drilling’ was established by Catskill Mountainkeeper, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Earthjustice, EARTHWORKS, Environmental Advocates of New York, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Riverkeeper.