Blogs > Don't Frack with New York > Public Opposition to Fracking in New York Has Never Been Higher

Public Opposition to Fracking in New York Has Never Been Higher


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On the heels of the state’s release of its irresponsible fracking regulations, a new Siena Poll shows that support for fracking among New York voters statewide fell 2 points to 40% while opposition increased by 8 points to 44%.

There is also a groundswell of opposition in Upstate New York, where residents have most closely followed the public debate on fracking and have the most at stake. The majority of Upstate residents (51%) are now in opposition; just 38% support fracking.

Over the past two months, Riverkeeper, along with our partners, advocates, and thousands of fellow New Yorkers have clearly and forcefully spoken out against the state’s fracking plan and submitted more than 200,000 comments to the DEC.

The results of this recent poll prove once again that the more people learn about fracking, the more they oppose it.

Can you hear us now, Governor Cuomo?