Blogs > Don't Frack with New York > This water is too good to frack with

This water is too good to frack with

Mmmm... New York's Finest

Photo courtesy of AMNH/Matt Shanley
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How good is New York City’s water? Pretty darn good.

This summer, New York took second place in The American Water Works Association (AWWA) annual “Best of the Best” Water Taste Test.  NYC beat (most of) the 21 other regional winners from water-tasting competitions across North America. The Big Apple was edged out of the top spot, by the tiny town of Stevens Point, WI. (population 25,000). Still, the second place showing was the highest ranking the City has ever achieved at the competition.

New Yorkers always come out on top and next year we could be the water champions, but our water winning dreams may go down the drain if we let fracking endanger our clean, delicious water.

Photo courtesy of AMNH/Matt Shanley

From prizes to pizza…

According to the Web site for Eddie and Sam’s Pizza in Tampa, Fl.:

“New York-style pizza is characterized by its wide, thin and foldable slices. The flavor of the crust has been attributed to the mineral present in the New York City tap water used to make the dough. Eddie and Sam’s Pizza imports New York water for the sake of authenticity. We brought the authentic New York pizza to downtown Tampa.”

If our water is so good that two pizza-makin guys import it all the way to Florida, just to maintain the style and quality of their pizza, why would we want to frack it up? We need to protect one of New York’s most iconic and unique natural resources – our water. Sam and Eddie are depending on us.

Another guy who recognizes the superiority of New York’s drinking water is entrepreneur Craig Zucker. So convinced is Zucker that New York’s water can take on any water in the world that he started bottling and selling it. His venture Tap’dNY is taking the locavore movement to the next level. Zucker argues that New Yorkers should stop paying more for bottled water that comes from places as far away as France and Fuji. In fact Nightline did a blind taste test between Tap’dNY and the famously square-bottle Fiji and the majority of tasters chose the New York- based bottled option as the best.

Tap’dNY Beats Fiji in ABC Taste Test from Craig Zucker on Vimeo.

With so many people in agreement that our water is some of the best in the world, let’s all take a stand to protect it. Send a message – don’t frack with NY!