Riverkeeper Blogs

Alewives, Erica Capuana, NYS DEC
Riverkeeper supports the NYS DEC's proposed updates to the endangered, threatened, and special concern species list, particularly the addition of several fish species vital to the Hudson River ecosystem. However, we believe more species, such as the American eel, alewife, and sea lamprey, should be better protected. Without broader inclusion, these regulations risk overlooking species that are declining and need urgent protection to preserve New York's biodiversity. More
The Grandeur of the Hudson’s Broad Bays
The Tappan Zee Bay and Haverstraw Bay are truly special bodies of water within a majestic river. These brackish embayments, or bays, are integral to the Hudson River ecosystem that function as fountains of life and cradles for a rich diversity of juvenile species that help sustain the Atlantic Ocean’s coastal marine ecosystem. More
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Explore the parallels between the Hudson and Karnali rivers and Riverkeeper's global advocacy for undammed waters. More
Why do anglers see lots of striped bass when fishery managers don't
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
A common refrain amongst recreational anglers is that fishery managers are often misguided or sometimes completely wrong in their stock assessments of highly sought after game fishes such as striped bass. When stock assessments released by state agencies or the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission […] More
Image courtesy Department of Environmental Conservation
The current mortality rates in the recreational fishery for striped bass are unsustainable, and pose a threat to the Hudson River spawning stock. In December of 2023, Riverkeeper submitted comments to the Atlantic State Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) pertaining to a Draft Addendum to the Atlantic Striped Bass Fishery Management Plan. More
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Photo: Laura Heady
Though wetlands provide critical habitat, reduce flood risk, improve water quality, and purify drinking water, they continuously fall victim to unchecked development, pollution, degradation, and climate change impacts. More
A ship at anchor at Hyde Park
Recent Coast Guard bulletin unlawfully allows vessels to anchor virtually anywhere north of the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge; Riverkeeper takes steps to protect aquatic life, critical habitat areas, and Hudson River drinking water supplies. More
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Riverkeeper President and Hudson Riverkeeper Tracy Brown with UN Environmental Programme Patron of the Oceans Lewis Pugh
Lewis Pugh’s 315-mile swim of the entire Hudson is an ongoing, inspiring tale of endurance – for this athlete, and for generations of local advocates working to restore the river back to health. Riverkeeper was proud to collaborate on this historic swim. The Hudson River […] More
Photo: National Parks Service/Brian Feeney
Riverkeeper continues advocating to ensure the Hudson wins this long-overdue investment – authorizing $20 million for habitat restoration, flood management, drinking water protection, waterfront access & more throughout Hudson-Raritan watersheds. More
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Atlantic striped bass are in decline, and changes are coming. If you enjoy fishing on the Hudson, here's what you need to know. More