Blogs > Docket > Riverkeeper’s statement on the NYS moratorium on NYC’s plastic bag fee

Riverkeeper’s statement on the NYS moratorium on NYC’s plastic bag fee

New York City’s 5-cent bag fee was carefully deliberated by the City Council for over two years, demonstrating how democracy and sensible solutions can be reached in the country’s largest city. Governor Cuomo’s signature of the bill has the very disappointing effect of placing a moratorium on the city’s local law. The Governor now has the responsibility, himself, to deliver state legislation to solve New York’s plastic pollution problem. Riverkeeper will push for that legislation to be strong enough to stop the scourge of 9 billion throw-away plastic bags going needlessly to landfills and incinerators annually and, still worse, polluting our cherished waterways.

Read more about this disappointing news and learn how to support out campaign to promote a Trash Free Hudson.