As humans, we are drawn to water. We want to wade, splash and swim, especially during these dog days of summer. The Hudson is no exception, though Riverkeeper sometimes meets surprising resistance to the simple statement of fact that, yes, people swim in the Hudson River. Importantly, swimming doesn’t just take place at the river’s four public bathing beaches.
As the climate warms, we’ll need beaches more than ever. Extreme rains will overwhelm sewers that can’t handle even routine storms today. If we don’t upgrade our sewers, we’ll find the water unfit for recreation just when we need it most.
Yes, people swim in the Hudson River, and in great numbers. They also wade and splash at the water’s edge. They also wade and splash at the water’s edge. They paddle kayaks, sitting in an inch of river water. They glide along on stand up paddleboards, and sometimes, they fall in.
Event swimming returns to the Hudson, including the Great Hudson River Swim between Newburgh and Beacon and the New York City Triathlon.
More than 300,000 Rockland County residents learned in late 2020 that drinking water sources have levels of PFAS chemicals that exceed New York State's Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for PFOA.
An outbreak of giardiasis at Union College in Schenectady sickened 32 students. Newspapers quote campus officials that suggest the outbreak may have started with students who were exposed to contaminated water in one of two tributaries of the Mohawk River.
View the latest water quality data and learn four important ways to take action to promote clean water today.
Three Troy students will focus on community science and radio and podcast production to illuminate water issues that disproportionately affect Black, Indigenous and People of Color. Troy, N.Y. – Media Sanctuary and Riverkeeper announce the launch of the “Water Justice Lab.” The three-year project based […]
If Governor Cuomo adds his signature, the NYS Legislature’s vote to extend much-needed protections to Class C streams can have far-reaching effects. In a single image, this map illustrates why the New York State Legislature’s recent vote to extend protections to “Class C” streams in […]
Riverkeeper, Save the Sound, NRDC and other partners sued the Environmental Protection Agency in 2017 to impose limits on sewage and stormwater pollution to make New York City’s waters safe for swimming. We are still in court. To sidestep its responsibility, New York State last […]