Blogs > Water Quality > Ulster County proposes stepped-up water quality initiative

Ulster County proposes stepped-up water quality initiative

Rondout Creek

The Rondout Creek, as seen in October 2017 outside Riverkeeper's office at the Hudson River Maritime Museum. (Photo by Dan Shapley / Riverkeeper)
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The Rondout Creek, as seen in October 2017 outside Riverkeeper’s office at the Hudson River Maritime Museum. (Photo by Dan Shapley / Riverkeeper)

There’s promising news out of Ulster County today, with County Executive Mike Hein’s proposal to expand testing of private wells and bring new focus to water quality issues throughout the county.

In Ulster County, Riverkeeper has long advocated for protection and restoration of the Lower Esopus Creeek. Our network of community scientists sample the Hudson, Wallkill, Rondout and Esopus – inspiring waters that deserve our attention. We’ve helped to create and support the Wallkill River Watershed Alliance, and to support plans to expand public access to the Wallkill and Rondout. We’re also working with the Towns of Esopus and Lloyd as part of an initiative to protect the Hudson River as a drinking water supply.

Hein’s statement released as part of his executive budget address included this language:

“The 2018 Executive Budget includes funding to provide free well-water testing for qualifying low to moderate income communities through the Department of Health.  In addition, the Ulster County Office for the Environment, in conjunction with the Department of Health, will be designated as the County’s Water Quality Management Agency to oversee water quality initiatives throughout the County. ”

We look forward to learning more about these initiatives, and the resources that will be devoted to them.