Campaigns & Cases > Support Policy Solutions > Policy Solutions 2020 Archive

Policy Solutions 2020 Archive

Below you will find information on legislation from 2020.

Bill Information & SummaryRiverkeeper positionStatusInformationTake Action
New York State 2020 budgetFinalized and passed both Assembly and Senate on 4/3/2020.

See Riverkeeper blog post providing an overview of the environmental investments in the budget.
Read Riverkeeper Budget Memorandum

Read Riverkeeper Environmental Conservation SFY-21 Budget Testimony
Clean Water Protection
Wetlands Protection Act A.3658/S.7366(Englebright/Harckham)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee and on on Assembly third reading (floor calendar). 1/16/2020.Read Riverkeeper Policy MemorandumSend a message to your representative!
Protect NY's Streams A.8349/S.5612A (Ryan/Harckham)
Riverkeeper SupportsPassed in the Senate and passed in the Assembly. Vetoed by the Governor.Read Riverkeeper Policy MemorandumSend a message to Governor Cuomo to sign this bill into law!
Oyster Shell Tax Credit A.0655/S.4718 (Rosenthal L/Metzger)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Budget and Revenue Committee and Assembly Ways and Means Committee. 1/16/2020.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Private Well Water Testing A.1103a/S.1854a (Jaffee/Hoylman)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee and Assembly Ways and Means Committee. 1/16/2020.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Adirondack Road Salt S.8663/A8767A (Kennedy/Jones)Riverkeeper SupportsPassed in the Senate and Assembly. Signed by the Governor.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Chemicals and Pesticides
Coal Tar Sealant Ban A.1304/S.6308 (Rosenthal L./Metzger)Riverkeeper SupportsPassed in the Senate and on Assembly third reading (floor calendar). 7/23/2020.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum

USGS Fact Sheet on Coal Tar
Birds and Bees Protection Act/Neonicotinoid pesticide moratorium S5816/A7639 (Hoylman/Englebright)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee and Assembly Ways and Means Committee. 1/16/2020.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum

NY Neonic Fact Sheet

Recent Neonic Research
Prohibition on sale of glyphosate (Roundup) S.225/A.6899 (Hoylman/Steck)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee and Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee. 1/16/2020.Riverkeeper Memorandum forthcoming.
Ban of use of trichloroethylene (TCE) in certain products S.6829B/A.8829A (Kaminsky/Englebright)Riverkeeper SupportsPassed in the Senate and Assembly. 7/22/2020.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum um
Oil & Gas Waste Loophole Closure S.3392/A.2655 (May/Englebright)Riverkeeper SupportsSigned by Governor into law. 8/3/2020.Read Riverkeeper Policy MemorandumSend a message to your representative!
Environmental Law and Litigation
Citizen Suits for Environmental Conservation Laws S.5013/A.1424 (Parker/Simon) Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee and on Assembly third reading (floor calendar). 3/6/2020.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Fixing SEQRA Standing A.07971/S.7548 (O'Donnell/Kavanagh)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee. (1/16/2020) and on Assembly third reading (floor calendar). 3/6/20.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum

SEQRA Standing Timeline and Summary of Cases

SEQRA Standing Reform FAQ
Increase Illegal Dumping Penalties S.6758B/A10803A
Riverkeeper SupportsPassed in the Senate and Assembly. Signed into law . 12/15/2020Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Plastics, Recycling, and Promoting a Circular Economy
Single Use Hotel Bottle Ban S5282A/A7662A (Kaminsky/Englebright)Riverkeeper SupportsPassed the Senate and in Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee. 8/20/2020.Riverkeeper Memorandum forthcoming.
Straws By Request S.1477/A.90 (Hoylman/Rosenthal L.)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee and Assembly Codes Committee. 1/16/2020.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Expansion of Bottle Deposit Law (Bottle Bill) A.5028a/S.2129a (Englebright/Kaminsky)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee and Assembly Ways and Means Committee. 1/16/2020.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Requires single-use plastic water bottles be made with 100% recycled material by 2025 to grow the recycling market. A.9121 (Fahy)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee and no Senate same-as. 1/22/2020.Riverkeeper Memorandum forthcoming.
Requires single-use beverage containers be manufactured with 75% recycled material. A.8664 (Fahy)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee and no Senate same-as. 1/8/2020.Riverkeeper Memorandum forthcoming.
Enacts the “Environmentally Conscious Purchasing Act” to prohibit state agencies and political subdivisions from purchasing single-use plastic products; defines terms; provides exceptions for medical and sanitation reasons. A.8772/S.6749 (Fahy/Parker)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Finance Committee and Assembly Governmental Operations. 1/8/2020. Riverkeeper Memorandum forthcoming.
Regulates the sale of plastic trash bags and requires plastic trash bags be made of 30% post-consumer materials. A.8878/S.6814 (Fahy/Metzger)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee and Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee. 1/8/2020.Riverkeeper Memorandum forthcoming.
Establishes a “right to refill” by requiring food service establishments permit the use of reusable/refillable beverage containers, such as coffee and water, and food containers, provided by customers. S.8613/A.8722 (Metzger/Fahy)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Health Committee and Assembly Health Committee. 1/8/2020.Riverkeeper Memorandum forthcoming.
Prohibition of the use of plastic beverage container packagingRiverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee and Assembly Rules Committee. 7/17/20.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Ban of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing S.6906/A.9678 (Metzger/Englebright) Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently on third reading (floor calendar) in Senate and in Assembly. 7/22/2020.

A version of this bill was completed in the budget bill which included a ban on high volume hydraulic fracturing. But the budget left out a complete ban of gelled propane hydraulic fracturing.
Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
New York State Decommissioning Oversight Board S.8158/A.10236 (Harckham/Galef)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently on third reading (floor calendar) in Senate and Assembly. 7/22/2020.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Legislation Riverkeeper Opposes
Uber Trout Stocking S.5021/A.7135 (Metzger/Woerner)Riverkeeper OpposesCurrently in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee and Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee. 1/16/2020.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum