Campaigns & Cases > Support Policy Solutions > Policy Solutions 2022 Archive

Policy Solutions 2022 Archive

Below you will find information on legislation from 2022.

Bill Information & SummaryRiverkeeper positionStatusInformationTake Action
New York State 2022-23 budget

Governor's 2022-23 Executive Budget Proposal
Governor's executive budget was released and state legislative hearings on the Environmental Conservation portion of the executive budget have concluded. 2/1/2022.
Read Riverkeeper Environmental Conservation SFY-2022-23 Budget Testimony

Read Assembly Dear Colleague Letter for +$2 million for the Hudson River Estuary Program

Read Senate Dear Colleague Letter for +$2 million for the Hudson River Estuary Program
Urge New York Leaders to Grow Hudson River Restoration and Climate Resilience Funding

Clean Water Protection
Defining Wetland Classification S5116C/A7850 (Harckham/Englebright)Riverkeeper SupportsPassed in the Senate (6/8/2021) and delivered to the Environmental Conservation Committee in Assembly. (6/8/2021). 6/8/2021. Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Protection of Certain Streams S4162/A6652 (Harckham/Englebright)Riverkeeper SupportsPassed both houses (5/24/2022). Waiting for Governor's signature 5/25/2022.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum

Living Shorelines Protection S8828/A10053 (Mayer/Otis)Riverkeeper SupportsScheduled for Senate floor vote (5/11/2022) and in Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee (4/29/2022). 5/23/2022 Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Drinking Water Protection
Private Well Water Testing S48 (Hoylman)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee (1/5/2022) with no Assembly same as. 3/14/2022.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Reducing East of Hudson Drinking Watershed Road Salt Contamination S6322A/A4067A (Harckham/Abinanti)
Riverkeeper SupportsDied in Assembly. Returned to Senate. Referred to Transportation Committee (1/5/2022). 3/14/2022.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Chemicals and Pesticides
Birds and Bees Protection Act/Neonicotinoid pesticide moratorium S699B/A7429 (Hoylman/Englebright)Riverkeeper SupportsAmended in Senate new print number S.699d(5/23/22). Passed Assembly, delivered to Senate (4/27/2022)
Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum

NY Neonic Fact Sheet

Setting the record straight on the Birds and Bees Protection Act

Top 5 myths about the Birds and Bees Protection Act
Environmental Law and Litigation
Citizen Suits for Environmental Conservation Laws S5394/A2261 (Parker/Simon) Riverkeeper SupportsReferred to Senate Environmental Conservation Committee (1/5/22) Ordered to third reading Assembly (1/5/22) . 5/25/2022.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Fixing SEQRA Standing S02798/A3510 (Kavanagh/O'Donnell)Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee (1/5/2022) and On Assembly floor (5/5/2022). 5/25/2022.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum

SEQRA Standing Timeline and Summary of Cases

SEQRA Standing Reform FAQ
Equitable Siting for NY S1031B/A2103A (Stewart-Cousins/Pretlow)Riverkeeper SupportsPassed both houses. Waiting for Governor's signature (4/27/22). 5/25/22.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Creating a Public Participation Plan for EJ Communities S3211A/A6530 (Ramos/Barnwell)Riverkeeper SupportsPassed in the Senate (5/11/2022) and referred to the Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee (3/15/2022). 5/25/2022.Memo of support is forthcoming.
Plastics, Recycling, and Promoting a Circular Economy
Bigger Better Bottle Bill S9164/A10184 (May/Englebright)Riverkeeper SupportsReferred to Senate Environmental Conservation (5/11/2022), Referred to Assembly Environmental Conservation (5/5/2022). 3/25/2022Memo of support is forthcoming.
Straws By Request S1505/A207 (Hoylman/Rosenthal L.)Riverkeeper SupportsAmended and recommitted to Senate Environmental Conservation, new print number S1505a
(3/9/22). 3/15/22
Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Prohibition of the use of plastic beverage container packaging. S486/A922 (Krueger/Paulin) Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee (1/6/2021) and Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee (1/6/2021). 3/19/2021.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Clean Futures Act A6761A/S5939A (Mamdani/Ramos) Riverkeeper SupportsCurrently amended and recommitted to the Energy Committee in Assembly (5/6/2021) and recommitted in the Energy and Telecommunications Committee in the Senate (5/4/2021). Advanced to third reading (1/18/22). 3/15/22.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Ban on Fracking Waste A903/S355 (O'Donnell/Hoylman)Riverkeeper SupportsPassed Assembly (4/20/2021) and passed in the Senate (4/20/2021). Awaiting Governor's signature. Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Legislation Riverkeeper Opposes
Healthy Cold Water Fisheries Act A6136/S4083 (Woerner/Hinchey) Riverkeeper OpposesReferred to Senate Environmental Conservation and Assembly Environmental Conservation (1/5/22). 3/15/2022.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
Advanced Recycling S7891/A9495 (Mannion/Hyndman)Riverkeeper OpposesReferred to Senate and Assembly Environmental Conservation (1/18/22). 5/23/2022.Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum
NY Seawall Study Commission A5557S7141 (Barnwell/Addabbo)Riverkeeper OpposesReferred to Senate Finance and Assembly Ways and Means (1/5/22). 3/15/22. Read Riverkeeper Policy Memorandum