Campaigns & Cases > Stop Polluters > Beyond Indian Point > Debunking the Myth—Indian Point Fails the “Green Test”

Debunking the Myth—Indian Point Fails the “Green Test”

With the world’s attention focused on global warming, nuclear energy enthusiasts and even some environmentalists are pronouncing that nuclear energy is the silver bullet. But nuclear energy only accounts for 2.5 percent of the world’s electricity needs and cannot replace the energy needs of our transportation sector which produces 25 percent of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions, the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming.

Indian Point’s website boasts that “nuclear is a clean energy source.” While it’s true that, unlike other types of power plants, nuclear reactors do not emit carbon dioxide (C02), the life cycle of generating nuclear power – from mining to refining to transportation to storage – requires an enormous amount of energy. So just how clean and green is Indian Point?

Energy Fact Sheet

  • Life Cycle Analysis

  • How Clean Are Other Aspects of Nuclear Energy?

  • Our Energy Future

  • Debunking the Indian Point Energy Myth