General > A moment of Zen, in the NY State Legislature

A moment of Zen, in the NY State Legislature

NYS Senate acts on long-overdue mercury pollution control bill at 5:30 am, June 22

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The New York State senate and assembly came together to pass legislation to reduce mercury pollution by requiring manufacturers to take back old thermostats, a major source of mercury-related water and air pollution.

Here’s to all those who voted for this bill, led by Senator Mark Grisanti and Assemblyman Bob Sweeney. These guys also championed last year’s big water pollution right-to-know law. Congrats on the repeat, guys!

Kudos to all the great advocates [like NYPIRG’s Laura Haight, who was there when the final vote was taken at 5:30 this morning] we worked with to get this bill done. This never would have happened without them – or all of you who made calls!

Next step – the Governor’s signature. As his team helped get this bill done, it looks like a done deal.