News > Events > Rainwater Harvesting Workshop at Downing Park Urban Farm

Rainwater Harvesting Workshop at Downing Park Urban Farm

Join Downing Park Urban Farm for workshops on Harvesting Rainwater, the Global Carbon Cycle, and Backyard Composting. Learn about ways to minimize your water, carbon, and waste footprints at these free workshops. These workshops are part of Downing Park Urban Farm’s Field Day. Tours of the farm are also available. Workshop participants should bring their own lunch.

For more information or to register, please contact Downing Urban Farm at [email protected].

Downing Park Urban Farm is a partnership of the City of Newburgh, Newburgh Community Land Bank and the Downing Park Planning Committee primarily funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) received by the City in 2013. The Farm serves as an agriculture and ecology education and demonstration center in an urban environment. Projects include organic food production in raised beds and greenhouses; a compost operation; food forest; and environmental education programs.