General > State Moves Forward on Fracking Before All Evidence in on Health Impacts

State Moves Forward on Fracking Before All Evidence in on Health Impacts

NY Health Commissioner Nirav Shah has finally admitted the truth:

“We don’t have as much evidence as we need,” on the health impacts of fracking.

Ya think?

Despite the admitted gaps in New York State’s understanding of how fracking affects public health, state officials rushed proposed regulations out the door anyway, in December.

And it’s not just the health review that isn’t finished. The state banged out those regs before finishing its environmental impact review, either.

If you’re wondering why none of this sounds right or fair, that’s because it’s not right and it’s not fair.

State law requires health and environmental impacts to be fully studied before the state sets its regulatory course. Not after.

The state must hit the reset button on fracking, or it will be up to the courts and the legislature to set things right.