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Winter Repairs: Wood & Snow

Lots of changes since we last updated you.
All six planks around sheer are off. We’ll be able to repair and salvage all planks most likely. Great because that will save money and time for the nasty surprises we have turned up.
Top two planks are off transom. The rot we found in transom framing extends down to bottom, so we’ve cut scarfs in two lower transom planks, to access transom framing for replacement, and repair plank ends that were getting a little suspect.
Remainder of cockpit “ceiling” has been removed. We’ve bought most of the lumber we’ll need. Starting to mill the lumber now.
It will be great to stop removing pieces and start making and installing new. Hopefully soon.

Last plank coming off sides. There are six planks making up sheer strake.

Starting to remove top plank on transom / stern

It snowed for forty days and forty nights.

Top plank of transom off.
Need to go deeper to get at rot in transom corner framing.

Here you can see that rot in transom frame (fashion piece) continues down below next plank.

We find that transom frames were split during original construction.
This we can fix.

Now we’ve taken off another plank. Need to keep going.
That corner frame will have to be completely replaced.

We cut scarfs in place on two bottom planks so we can remove rotten corner frame. Easier than removing the entire two bottom planks because that would mean we had to remove engine exhaust assembly. Domino effect.

New ends will be glued onto these two planks and because of tapered joint  (scarf) they will have 100% integrity.

Detail showing both scarfs.

Chris removing last of cockpit ceiling to access repairs at transom from inside.

Chris – yes, he had a beard, in this photo it’s gone, now (2/18) it’s back.
I’m losing track.

New stock in shop – ready for milling. 
Our six sheer strake planks in shop for cleanup and repair.

All around the deck edge where we cut the nails off to release the sheer strakes we’ve cut into the deck and removed the nail heads. We’ll use the existing holes for screws from deck to planking when we reinstall the sheer strakes.

My daughter Nellie sanding inside faces of hull frames clean to receive new ceiling.