Including Riverkeeper in your will or living trust is a powerful way to sustain our work for years to come. A gift plan allows you to protect your family’s assets and meet your charitable goals while providing a stable financial future for Riverkeeper.
Riverkeeper offers our supporters free access to estate planning tools through Giving Docs. Visit to get started on your plan today. There is no obligation to include Riverkeepr in your will or trust by using this free service.
If you have already arranged for a planned gift to Riverkeeper, please notify us so we can acknowledge and honor your commitment. We would be pleased to list your name in our Annual Report and to offer and offer you a complimentary Riverkeeper membership with all attendant benefits.
For more information on the many options for making a meaningful legacy gift to Riverkeeper, request a free brochure or contact Linde Ostro at [email protected] or (914) 478-4501 ext. 229.
Because of the complexity of estate planning, it is important that your attorney structures your estate and writes your will or trust so your wishes are clearly articulated. The information included here is meant to educate, and should not be understood as legal advice.