There are many ways to minimize your impact. Conserving water, reducing car travel and other reasons for using gasoline, planting with organic gardening materials and not using traditional fertilizers, properly disposing of pharmaceuticals and finding alternatives to harsh soaps and detergents are all ways of decreasing the amount of pollution that ends up in our waterways. Individually, these measures may seem small, but if enough people practice them, they could make a profound difference.
Additional resources for what you can do to reduce your environmental impacts can be found at Trash Free Hudson >
You can play an important part in protecting the NYC watershed by using non-toxic cleaning chemicals, choosing organic fertilizers, limiting or stopping pesticide use, and properly disposing of oil, gasoline and pharmaceuticals.
Taking slightly shorter showers, stopping needless running water and fixing leaky faucets are just some simple ways to conserve water.
Find more than a dozen easy ways to conserve energy, from buying Energy Star products and compact fluorescent bulbs to keeping doors and windows closed when heat or air conditioning are running.