Hudson River > Hudson River Journey

Hudson River Journey

In honor of the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson's voyage, Riverkeeper takes a journey upriver. We travel from New York City to Albany, discovering the region's past, present, and possible future.


The Half Moon by S. Hollyer, engraving. Collection of The New-York Historical Society

The Half Moon by S. Hollyer, engraving. Collection of The New-York Historical Society

In 1609, Henry Hudson entered a lush estuary studded with rocky islands, fringed with marshlands, and crisscrossed by Native Americans in dugout canoes. He discovered then what we still find today: a majestic river and the people who depend upon it.


Photo courtesy Melissa Brown

Riverkeeper is the leading defender of an ecosystem as complex as it is fragile. As the river struggles to recover from four centuries of abuse, our boat makes regular patrols, our lawyers fight polluters in court, and our members act as watchdogs to preserve the beauty we've inherited.