The Great Bays


Photo courtesyBob Vergara/All Photographic Services

The broad, shallow bays that start at the Palisades have made a remarkable comeback since the Clean Water Act of 1972. Striped bass school beneath the Tappan Zee Bridge, blue crabs patrol the muddy bottom and developers flock to the waterfront, capitalizing on a cleaner Hudson but creating a new slew of problems in the process.

Stop Sprawl

New, densely-built developments have the potential to close off access to the river, strain local sewage systems, and create more run-off and pollutants. One effective way to contain over-development is to design transportation solutions — bridges, highways, railway lines — that also act as limiters, promoting smart sustainable growth.

Restor the River's Abundance [image]

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

When Henry Hudson arrived here, a shipmate observed, 'The river is full of fish: many Salmons, and Mullets, and Rayes very great.' A recent report showed that 10 of the river's 13 fish species studied are now in decline. Riverkeeper is working with researchers and government regulators to restore the river's abundance through scientific-based management.