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A Day at the Beach: Mamaroneck Water Quality Forum

May 3, 2014: 1:30PM to 3:30PM
Mamaroneck Library, 136 Prospect Avenue, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 map

What’s really in our water? How can we keep it clean? Join Riverkeeper and a panel of speakers for “A Day at the Beach: The Mamaroneck Water Quality Forum” presented by the Mamaroneck Village Committee for the Environment.

Riverkeeper Water Quality Advocate Tracy Brown will speak on “How can citizen action get results?”

Other speakers are: Robert Funicello, Environmental Project Director, Dept. of Environmental Facilities, on “A history of water quality in Mamaroneck.”

Mark Boda, Public Health Sanitarian, Westchester County Dept. of Health on “Was 2013 the worst summer ever? What lies ahead this summer?”

Thomas J. Lauro, Commissioner, Dept. of Environmental Facilities, on “What is the role of the Wastewater Treatment Plant?”

Phil Horner, Head, Water Quality Team,
Mamaroneck Village Committee for the Environment, “When it rains . . . the role of storm water runoff.”

Richard Slingerland, Village Manager, Mamaroneck, on “Eliminating illegal discharges, inflow, and infiltration; What can the homeowner do to help improve water quality?”