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Annual Watershed Conference

HRWA Annual Conference
View more images on our Flickr site
October 29, 2019: 9:00AM to 4:00PM
4079 Albany Post Rd, Hyde Park, NY 12538 map
To Attend:
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he Hudson River Watershed Alliance’s annual conference brings together people working throughout the Hudson River watershed to share experiences, information, and best practices.
This year our conference theme is Healthy Landscapes. An emotional connection often inspires community members to work towards protecting local water resources; however, these efforts can reveal tensions between aesthetics and different needs or desires for the watershed. This year’s conference will showcase how our values inform our perspectives on what a healthy landscape looks like, and how that impacts our work on rural, suburban, and urban watersheds.
The conference agenda will also include updates on statewide initiatives, networking, and case studies from planners and practitioners on improving and protecting our valuable, regional water resources.
$65 early bird – extended through October 11!
$75 regular price – starting October 12
$45 student rate
Annual Sponsor
JSA Financial Group
River Sponsor
Hudson Valley Regional Council
Creek Sponsors
GHD Consulting Services
Scenic Hudson
Stream Sponsors
Dyson College Institute for Sustainability & the Environment
Woodstock Land Conservancy
Brook Sponsors
Carriage House Gardens & Associates
CEA Engineers, P.C.
Center for the Urban River at Beczak
Delaware Engineering
Law Office of David K. Gordon
Strong Outcomes
This event is supported by the Hudson River Estuary Program, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the New York State Environmental Protection Fund, in cooperation with the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission.