News > Events > Building strong grassroots organizations, with Baykeeper founder Andrew Willner

Building strong grassroots organizations, with Baykeeper founder Andrew Willner

March 19, 2017: 6:30PM to 8:00PM
133 Farmer's Turnpike, Gardiner, NY 12525 map

Andrew Willner, founder of NY/NJ Baykeeper, and now a resident of Ulster County, will give a talk about building strong grassroots organizations as part of the Wallkill River Watershed Alliance’s winter lecture series.

Andrew Willner has been a leader, organizer, and advocate for the New York/New Jersey Bioregion for 25 years. He was an early proponent of the Waterkeeper model of water and habitat protection as the founder of NY/NJ Baykeeper.

He is principal of the consulting firm, Sustainability Solutions, and Principal Professional Consultant for energy, transportation, and the environment to the Hugo Neu Corporation.

He has been a city planner, furniture designer, sculptor, boat builder, environmentalist, Permaculturist, Transition advocate, story teller, blogger, and he exhibits his photographs taken while patrolling the New York/ New Jersey Harbor for 20 years on the Baykeeper skiff. He is writing a photo narrative booka bout the people, places, and environment of one of the most beautiful and vulnerable estuaries in the world.

For more about Willner, visit

The Alliance’s winter lecture series is organized by the Boat Brigades Working Group. All events are held at the Gardiner Library, 133 Farmer’s Turnpike in Gardiner, at 6:30 p.m.