News > Events > Community Forum: Proposed Ash Dump in Catskill

Community Forum: Proposed Ash Dump in Catskill

April 23, 2019: 7:00PM to 8:30PM
Catskill Community Center - 344 Main Street, Catskill, NY map

Join community members for a community forum as part of efforts to keep a proposed incinerator ash dump out of the Town of Catskill. Wheelabrator, the second largest incinerator company in the United States, has proposed trucking hundreds of thousands of tons of toxic incinerator ash to a quarry on Route 9W in Catskill Township, very close to the Hudson.

A panel of experts, moderated by Hudson Talbott, will discuss the topic and answer questions:

  • Dr. David Walker, Catskill resident and Geologist
  • Paul Gallay, President of Hudson Riverkeeper
  • Judith Enck, former EPA Regional Administrator

For more information, contact Jessica Roff at [email protected]