News > Events > Hearing on Proposal For Swimmable NYC Waters

Hearing on Proposal For Swimmable NYC Waters

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March 9, 2015: 12:00PM to 2:00PM
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 2 Office, 290 Broadway, Room 27A, Manhattan map

NOTE: This event was originally scheduled for Jan. 27. The March 9 event is the new date.

Your voice is needed to call for swimmable (and paddle-able) water in NYC!

The NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation has proposed to improve the quality of waterbodies in NYC by amending standards for Class I and SD waters. Those waters – including the Hudson River (south of the Bronx), Harlem River, Bronx River (tidal portion), East River, Flushing Bay, Newtown Creek, Gowanus Canal, Jamaica Bay tributaries, Kill van Kull, and Arthur Kill – are currently protected only for fishing and/or “secondary contact” recreation that involves incidental contact with the water.

Help us call for a higher goal by explicitly including “primary contact recreation” as an officially designated use for these waters. We know that many of these areas are already being used for human powered boating – even swimming. Human powered boating exposes people to same risks of unclean water as swimming.

Learn more and turn out to this critical public hearing.

Can’t be there right at noon? Come as soon as you can and add your name to the speaker list while the hearing is going on.

If you can’t make the meeting at all, DEC has extended the public comment period for the proposed rulemaking until 5 p.m. on March 16. Comments should be submitted to NYSDEC, 625 Broadway, Albany NY 12233-3500, Attn: Robert Simson or by email to: [email protected].

Riverkeeper is a member of Stormwater Infrastructure Matters (S.W.I.M.), a coalition dedicated to ensuring swimmable waters around New York City through natural, sustainable stormwater management practices in our neighborhoods.