As we ramp up efforts to push Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA and the Public Service Commission to adopt a comprehensive energy efficiency program that is as ambitious and equitable as possible, we invite clean energy advocates and climate activists from across the state to participate in this online teach-in.
The goal of the teach-in is to provide an overview of the importance of energy efficiency in meeting our climate and clean energy goals, creating green jobs and healthier homes. Guest speakers will include energy efficiency advocates and experts from leading environmental non-profits, community-based organizations, and the energy efficiency industry. The content of the teach-in should be accessible to the non-expert and there will be an opportunity to ask questions in the last 15 minutes.
Featured speakers include:
Miles Farmer, Staff Attorney, Climate and Clean Energy Program, NRDC
Clarke Gocker, Director of Policy and Strategy, PUSH Buffalo
Jessica Azulay, Program Director, Alliance for a Green Economy
Hal Smith, CEO, Halco Energy