News > Events > Gowanus Canal Conservancy’s Urban Ecology Lectures: Oyster Restoration

Gowanus Canal Conservancy’s Urban Ecology Lectures: Oyster Restoration

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October 16, 2013: 7:00PM to 9:00PM
Gowanus Studio Space, 166 7th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215 map

Oyster Restoration, Meredith Comi, director of NY/NJ Baykeeper’s oyster restoration program

NY/NJ Baykeeper has been working to restore oysters to the Hudson Raritan Estuary since 1999. The presentation will briefly touch on Baykeeper’s overall mission and a description of the Hudson-Raritan Estuary. The history and biology of the oyster in the HRE, including reasons for its decline will also be addressed. Baykeeper’s oyster restoration projects will be discussed in detail, including our current restoration efforts at Soundview Park in the Bronx River and the Oyster Gardening Program. A Q&A session will follow the lecture.

*There is a $5 suggested donation