News > Events > Great Healthy Yards Workshop with Dr. Diane Lewis

Great Healthy Yards Workshop with Dr. Diane Lewis

March 16, 2019: 10:00AM to 12:00PM
Sleepy Hollow Senior Center - 55 Elm Street, Sleepy Hollow, New York 10591 map
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Get ready for spring by learning healthy options for keeping our yards beautiful. One of the most widespread problems facing our ponds, rivers, and drinking water is pollution by the chemicals we use on our yards, gardens, and fields. Dr. Diane Lewis, author of The Great Healthy Yard Project: Our Yards, Our Children, Our Responsibility, will discuss how residents can care for their yards and gardens in a way that also protects our water quality and our families. Dr. Lewis has been speaking with people across the country about the health risks that pesticides pose and will share natural options for yard care.