News > Events > Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site Community Advisory Group (CAG)

Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site Community Advisory Group (CAG)

December 5, 2016

The next meeting of the Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site Community Advisory Group (CAG) will be Thursday, December 8, 2016, at the Saratoga Town Hall (12 Spring Street, Schuylerville, NY 12871). For more information on this, please read: 5-year review of Hudson River PCBs cleanup must be transparent.

Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site CAG Meeting
Thursday, December 8, 2016
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Saratoga Town Hall
2 Spring Street, Schuylerville, NY 12871

1:00 pm-Welcome, Introductions, Review October Meeting Summary
Facilitated by the Consensus Building Institute (CBI)

1:10 Project Update on In-River and Floodplains Work
Facilitated by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
-This presentation and discussion will cover in-river and floodplains topics, including the five-year review process, the process for certifying completion of operable unit (OU) 2, and the 2016 sediment sampling approach.

2:00 Update on Habitat Reconstruction
Facilitated by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
-This presentation and discussion will cover the status and progress of habitat reconstruction efforts and describe the benchmarks and criteria for success in the context of the Operation, Maintenance and Monitoring Program (OM&M).


2:50 2015 Fish Data Results
-This presentation will center on the recently completed results of the 2015 fish data analysis.

3:10 The CAG and Community Engagement on the Floodplains Work
-This facilitated discussion among CAG members will cover several topics related to the new focus on the floodplains. It will include a discussion of current community concerns related to sediment sampling in the floodplains, an exploration of needs and opportunities for technical support for communities, and an update by the subcommittee working on revitalizing CAG membership.

3:50 Brief Updates and CAG Business
·Upcoming CAG meeting dates
·Ideas for future CAG topics?

4:00 Adjourn