News > Events > Hudson Valley Initiative: Spatial, Ecological, and Economic Opportunities in the Hudson Valley

Hudson Valley Initiative: Spatial, Ecological, and Economic Opportunities in the Hudson Valley

October 7, 2017: 1:00PM to 6:00PM
Pennsy 399 Barge at the Hudson River Maritime Museum 50 Rondout Landing Kingston, NY 12401 map
To Attend:
Register Here

The beauty of the Hudson Valley has long been a source of wonder but equally remarkable are the hurdles faced by the region’s people and places. The many groups, cultures, industries, and institutions of the Valley have sometimes been at odds, and other times complementary, but the results of decades of design, planning, development, and governance strategies have been uneven, if not also destructive. In recent years, old models of change have given way to more nuanced approaches to growth which are broadly inclusive, place-specific, and creative. Alongside these new approaches, many new organizations, large and small, have emerged to address an almost infinite array of concerns about the future. Communication among these actors is essential.

The Barge Meet is a project development workshop for the many organizations active in the Valley. Attendees may have a new proposal or an idea for a project, or have a new project just underway, or are looking to shift or expand a current project – the Meet provides an arena to listen, find collaborators, and re-imagine projects. Participant groups may be at different stages of work, with complementary missions, with different scales of operation and capacities, and serving varied constituencies, but all share a commitment to equitable change in the Valley. The Meet offers discussions of many issues and challenges facing the region but the goal is to help advance new projects and plans.

The Barge Meet is a knowledge-sharing event convened by Hudson Valley Initiative, a project of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, and led by the Urban Design program. The mission of the HVI is to facilitate applied research into the complex spatial, ecological, and economic opportunities of the region. The HVI seeks to assist public and private sector organizations to develop specific projects which address the long-term health and viability of the region. Discussions, presentations, and workshops such as the Barge Meet, help the HVI create long-term research questions, and identify potential partners and collaborations.

Organized by Columbia University GSAPP Hudson Valley Initiative. Please click here to RSVP.