News > Events > Riverkeeper Events > Hunter Lovins Presents, “Facing the Water Crisis: Sustaining our Most Precious Resource.”

Hunter Lovins Presents, “Facing the Water Crisis: Sustaining our Most Precious Resource.”

August 21, 2015: 7:00PM to 9:00PM
Bard College, F.W. Olin Language Center, Room 115, 77 Campus Road, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504 map

Please join Riverkeeper and Bard Center for Environmental Policy for a keynote by Bard Professor of Sustainable Business Management, Hunter Lovins. L. Hunter Lovins is president and founder of Natural Capitalism Solutions (NCS). NCS educates senior decision makers in business, government, and civil society to restore and enhance natural and human capital while increasing prosperity and quality of life. She is on the the faculty and board of the Bard MBA in Sustainability and teaching Principles of Sustainable Management and is a Capstone advisor.

For more information, call 845-758-7900, or e-mail [email protected].

See the event flyer!

Riverkeeper and the Bard Center for Environmental Policy have a partnership through which one incoming student is awarded the “Riverkeeper Scholarship.” The Riverkeeper Scholar will receive a scholarship for 30 percent of their tuition for two years of full-time enrollment towards a Master of Science in Environmental Policy or Climate Science and Policy. In addition to financial support, the Riverkeeper Scholar will receive:

• a designated mentor from Riverkeeper who will meet twice yearly
• priority selection for internship opportunities and thesis work at Riverkeeper

For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Financial Aid page for Bard CEP.