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East River Long Term Control Plan Kickoff

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March 7, 2018: 6:30PM to 9:30PM
Newtown Creek Visitor Center 327 Greenpoint Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11222 map
To Attend:
Register Here

Under the Clean Water Act, NYC is required to develop “Long Term Control Plans” that detail exactly how, and by how much, they will reduce the estimated 20 billion gallons of sewage pollution and stormwater discharged from the city’s combined sewer system each year.

These plans will decide the future of NYC’s waterways for the next several decades and must incorporate community voices.

Join Riverkeeper and our partners in the SWIM Coalition to speak up for the future of the East River at the East River kickoff of the Citywide & East River/Open Waters Plan encompassing the Harlem River, Hudson River, Upper New York Bay, Lower New York Bay, the East River, and the western portion of Long Island Sound.