News > Events > NYC Events > Her Hudson: An interactive symposium focused on conservation of the Hudson River estuary

Her Hudson: An interactive symposium focused on conservation of the Hudson River estuary

December 10, 2016: 1:00PM to 4:00PM
McIntosh Student Room, 2nd Floor of the Diana Center Barnard College 3009 New York, NY 10027 map
To Attend:
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Join the Barnard College Athena Center for Her Hudson, a symposium of activities, demonstrations, and speakers to educate girls in the New York City area about conservation of the Hudson River estuary and empower them through participation in environmental science and management. Young women as promising agents of environmental stewardship and the Barnard College Athena Center hopes to help young women unleash their potential.

New York City is located in the midst of an estuary, a unique, highly productive ecosystem that vitally enhances the condition of our city. We rely on the Hudson River to support our economy, provide recreation, maintain healthy air quality and aid resilience against extreme weather events. Although numerous initiatives in the New York City area have begun to educate youth about ways to preserve the Hudson River, none have specifically targeted young women. Girls and women serve as crucial resource-managers and educators for their families and communities, so we believe it is essential for them to be involved in environmental science and management.

Her Hudson aims to provide a platform for young women to collaborate with one another, develop crucial skills to evaluate the problems our city and estuary face and generate solutions that will benefit the Hudson River as well as the communities that rely on it. Activities will be led by the New York Hall of Science, the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, Riverkeeper, the River Project and Hudson River Community Sailing.

By allowing young women to defy traditional gender inequality in STEM disciplines, participate in responsible decision-making and lead our community towards sustainable behaviors and actions, Her Hudson seeks to cultivate a more inclusive, conscientious citizenry that actively strives towards ensuring a healthy estuary and city for the present and future.